(UPDATE 11/15/2013) St. Francis High School teacher DC Randle has been selected as the 2013 recipient of the Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (MASWCD) Teacher Award. The MASWCD recognizes outstanding teachers of natural resource conservation. The Anoka Conservation District nominated Randle for the award, which he will receive at the MASWCD Awards Luncheon on December 2. Congratulation DC Randel!
(10/30/2013) The Anoka Conservation District selected the Coon Creek Watershed District as the 2013 Anoka County Outstanding Conservationist. The CCWD will be honored at the MASWCD annual convention as well.
The Coon Creek Watershed District has simultaneously taken the lead in a watershed restoration and protection project, completed multiple stormwater retrofit assessments and installed large numbers of practices. They have acted with urgency and a bold “let’s just get it done” attitude. Their recent and ongoing work has included five stormwater retrofit assessments, two stormwater pond modifications, one new stormwater pond and 20+ rain gardens.
[Pictured: Anoka Conservation District Vice Chair, Jim Lindahl, presents Conservationist of the Year certificate to Coon Creek Board President, Byron Westlund.] For more information on the program, contact Anoka Conservation District Manager Chris Lord at 763-434-2030.