Pre-order your Rain Barrel & Compost Bin

Order online to have a rain barrel and compost bin waiting for you to pick up

Spring is right around the corner, which is a great time to start composting in your backyard and collecting rainwater for reuse! A rain barrels allows you to capture rainwater from your roof or downspout that you can reuse in your lawn or garden, reducing runoff and conserving water (EPA YouTube Video). Composting is an easy way to recycle your food and yard waste into a nutrient-rich fertilizer.

The Recycling Association of Minnesota has scheduled an Anoka County event at the Coon Rapids Recycling Center (June 14, 2014). Pre-ordered compost bins ($55) and rain barrels ($69) will be waiting for Anoka County residents to pick up.  Kitchen pails for collecting food scraps will also be available.

For more information go to the RAM Coon Rapids Recycling sale website.

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