Water pollution from salt (or chloride) is widespread in metropolitan areas of the upper midwest. The majority comes from salt de-icers used for winter maintenance of roads, parking lots, driveways and sidewalks. Education and Training can reduce pollution of water resources by applying deicing chemicals effectively to remove ice while minimizing pollution of our water resources.
FOR HOMEOWNERS: View Improved Winter Maintenance: Good Choices for Clean Water video (YouTube; 15:05). Choose and use tools and deicers to keep driveways and sidewalks safe this winter while preventing harm to our rivers, lakes, streams and groundwater.
FOR ROAD AND COMMERCIAL MAINTENANCE COMPANIES: The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization is sponsoring Winter Maintenance for Sidewalks & Parking Lots workshops on Dec. 9, 2014 and on Jan. 15, 2015.
- Who should attend? Private contractors and service providers, public works staff, property managers, distributors, snowplow drivers, crew leaders, supervisors, permanent and seasonal employees.
- Training topics include: Application rates, storing materials, how to calibrate equipment, weather conditions, de-icing and anti-icing, environmental effects, and new maintenance methods.
- Voluntary certification in Snow and Ice Control Best Management Practices – Level 1.
- Training is free, paid for by the Clean Water Act, Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Fund and the MWMO. Lunch will be provided.
- Winter Parking Lot and Sidewalk Maintenance Manual may be used as a reference document at the training sessions.
Winter Maintenance for Small Sites (YouTube; 19:34). For seasonal employees, business owners, front desk staff to safely control snow and ice on steps, ramps, entryways and curbcuts while reducing the amount of salt entering our rivers and lakes.