25BY25 top concerns for water quality improvement

Governor Mark Dayton has released a report of the 25BY25 town hall meetings, held last year, that asked Minnesotans what are their top concerns about the state’s water quality. The report identifies nine main themes:

  • Education, communication and engagement
  • Reducing runoff by holding more water on the land
  • Working together across levels of government and with the public
  • Locally led watershed planning
  • Pollutants and drinking water
  • Salt pollution
  • Septic systems
  • Funding
  • Incentives and regulation

The Know The Flow website is a coordinated effort of Anoka County agencies, Cities, Watershed Management Organizations and non-government organizations to address local water challenges. Our water resources supply us with safe drinking water; healthy fish; and safe swimming beaches. The coordination of local agencies through these collaborative efforts improve the efficiency of the various programs by encouraging residents and landowners to use best methods to prevent water pollution and keep local water resources sustainable for the next generation.

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