The DNR is seeking public comments on the City of St. Francis variance to wild and scenic rules applied to Rum River, chapter 6105 .
Within a nearly 500-acre area of land along the Rum River on the City’s north side, the City of St. Francis is proposing to:
- Reduce the minimum riparian lot area from the required 4 acres to 20,000 square feet. See Minn. R. 6105.0110, subp. 2(B).
- Reduce the minimum non-riparian lot area from the required 4 acres to a density range of 2-7 units/acres. See Minn. R. 6105.0110, subp. 2(B).
- Reduce the minimum riparian lot width from the required 250 feet to 70 feet. See Minn. R. 6105.0110, subp. 2(B)
- Reduce the OHWL structure setback from the normal high water mark from the required 150 feet to 75 feet. See Minn. R. 6105.0100, subp. 3(B)(1).
- Allow attached housing as permitted uses instead of limiting development to single-family residential uses. See Minn. R. 6105.0100, subp. 3)
- Allow development to be processed through City’s Planned Unit Development (PUD) process instead of the Planned Cluster Development (PCD) process allowed in rule. See Minn. R. 6106.0140, subp. 3.
Variance to State Rules. The City has petitioned the DNR for the above-referenced variances pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections 14.055 and 14.056. The City’s petition requests that DNR grant “discretionary variances” to the above-referenced rules pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 14.055 subdivision 4. The DNR will review the application and consider all comments received in developing a decision.
Notice of Variance Petition
- Notice and map PDF
Variance Petition
The City of St. Francis has submitted the following documents as part of the petition:
Comments must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on April 26, 2019.
Email comments to Dan Petrik at daniel.petrik@state.mn.us .
Send written comments to: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Attn: St. Francis Variance – Dan Petrik
500 Lafayette Road, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155-4025
If you need documents in an alternate format, please contact Dan Petrik at daniel.petrik@state.mn.us.