ICYMI: Update on Manganese Levels in Ramsey Municipal Water Supply

In case you missed it, the City of Ramsey shared an update on manganese levels in the municipal water supply in the September/October 2019 issue of the City of Ramsey’s Resident newsletter.

“The City of Ramsey Utilities Department has been collecting and testing 15 water samples each month for manganese concentrations. To date, all samples have fallen below the 100 parts per billion (ppb) set by the Minnesota Department of Health for bottle-fed infants 12 months or younger. This info may be viewed at www.cityoframsey.com/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=180. The City continues to utilize only City wells with the lowest concentration of manganese. Timely rains have helped lower daily demands for water and our odd/even sprinkling ban also contributes to lower demand. If you have any questions about manganese levels or our municipal water supply, please contact our Utilities Supervisor John Nelson 763-433-9861. “

The newsletter can be accessed here, with this article on page 11.

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