No longer ‘out of sight, out of mind’: Making Groundwater Science Visible to Citizens and Clients

“No longer ‘out of sight, out of mind’: Making Groundwater Science Visible to Citizens and Clients” is the theme of the 2019 Minnesota Ground Water Association Fall Conference.

Description: “As the complexities of managing and legislating groundwater access, quality and use in Minnesota grow, the need to effectively communicate groundwater science has never been greater. Presentations at this meeting will showcase approaches to effective communication of groundwater science to the general public, as well as ways to effectively communicate research results with fellow professionals and clients – including ‘how do we communicate uncertainty?’ Effective management of groundwater also requires communication with legislators and legal professionals – we will hear about what legislators want to know, as well as the challenges of being an expert witness in groundwater science.”

Details can be found here.

Exhibitor opportunities available.

Image belongs to MGWA.

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