The 2020 Salt Symposium, hosted by Fortin Consulting, will be live-streamed August 4th and 5th. The normally in-person event brings together practitioners, researchers, water resource managers, and educators interested in reducing chloride impacts on our waters from winter maintenance and other sources of chloride.
“Salt Symposium shapes the chloride conversation, presenting developments in salt use optimization for people and the environment. Presentations on Day 1 will focus on chloride use in water softening, fertilizer, and dust suppressants. Day 2 will be all about the latest developments in chloride reducing approaches for winter maintenance. Keynote addresses and award presentations will be given both days.”
Content will stream from 7:30 am to about 3 pm both days. Click here for the full agenda.
Additionally, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will be hosting two FREE smart salting certification training sessions online on August 6th.
Click here for more information and to register. Register before July 1st for a discounted rate. Contact Doug Klimbal for questions about the event or registration and contact carolyn@fortinconsulting.com (612-220-4999) for questions about billing.
Don’t miss this opportunity to get up to speed on the latest research and innovation in chloride at this year’s Salt Symposium!