Calling all teachers, parents, and guardians! The 2021 Virtual Metro Children’s Water Festival is available now!
The Metro Children’s Water Festival is normally an in-person festival at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, but the festival has been adapted to be virtual for 2021. There are a number of lessons and activities available that teach children about water resources and how young people can help ensure a future where both the quantity and quality of resources are protected and managed wisely.
Students can learn about wastewater treatment, water scarcity around the globe, and what lives in our waters. They can see a rainfall simulator, explore the Mississippi River, meet local water professionals, and study watersheds.
Content is available NOW! The festival week officially ends on October 1st, but all materials will be available throughout the entire 2021-2022 school year. Metro area teachers who register for the festival and watch any number of videos and complete the paired activities will receive an Every Kid Outdoors pass for each 4th grade student in their classroom, compliments of the U.S. Forest Service.
The festival is free and open to all, however curriculum is at a 4th grade level, and parks passes are available for 4th grade students only per the federal program.
Ready to get started?! Register at www.metrocwf.org/register and view the festival at www.metrocwf.org/festival.
The Metro Children’s Water Festival hopes your students and children all enjoy the 2021 virtual festival and the brand-new website!