The Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group has held two area meetings to ask residents and businesses near municipal water supply wells to use best management practices to prevent pollution of the soils and groundwater.
The area meetings were held:
- February 15th at Circle Pines City Hall (for Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington and Lino Lakes)
- March 14th at Blaine City Hall (for Blaine, Fridley and Spring Lake Park)
Wellhead Protection is a program to protect the source of water to public wells. Residents and businesses within a wellhead protection area (near a public water well) can contribute to the safety of drinking water for their community. Properties that are partially or entirely within a wellhead protection area are designated to be in the Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA). Use the DWSMA Map App to find out if a property is inside a DWSMA.
Best management practices materials provided to attendees included
Wellhead Guide for Residents – Wellhead Guide for Businesses
Financial Assistance for Well and Septic Repair – Directory of Well Contractors
Blaine – Centerville – Circle Pines – Fridley – Lexington – Lino Lakes – Spring Lake Park