If you enjoy hiking, bird watching, following tracks, or identifying wildflowers, you’ll love being a Minnesota Master Naturalist Volunteer. Minnesota Master Naturalist Volunteers are a motivated group of fun and interesting people: retired professionals, nature guides, hunters, eco-tour operators, farmers, and Anoka County residents!
This training is part of a Field Biology course of the north woods and great lakes at the Anoka Ramsey Community College that will meet on Mondays 2:00 to 4:40 p.m. from August 27th to December 17th with a field trip on 9/29 (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). Class topics include: geology, plants, wildlife, ecology, water, communication and human impacts on our natural environment. There are 6 openings for non credit students (cost $200) to register for this class.
The mission of the Minnesota Master Naturalist program is to promote awareness, understanding, and stewardship of Minnesota’s natural environment by developing a corps of well-informed citizen volunteers dedicated to conservation education and service within their communities.
For class information contact: Jennifer Braido (jennifer.braido@anokaramsey.edu) 763-433-1219.
For Minnesota Master Naturalist program information go to the contact webpage; email info@minnesotamasternaturalist.org; or call 888-241-4532.