Columbia Heights High is competing in the Metro Area Envirothon

The 2013 Metro Area Envirothon is a a problem solving natural resources competition for both Junior High (grades 6-8) and Senior High (grades 9-12) students.  Students are tested on their knowledge of Minnesota’s natural resources – Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, Wildlife, and a current environmental issue that changes from year to year.  This year the Envirothon will be held at the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum on May 2, 2013.

Both Senior and Junior High students will visit 5 different learning stations, and answer 20 questions at each station.  Senior High teams will also visit a sixth station, where they will give a 10-minute oral presentation on a specific scenario, to a panel of judges.  The oral presentation scenario is developed before the actual event, so students can prepare visual aids, and other props to assist their presentation.

This year Columbia Heights High School is sending two teams to compete (Aimee Candella, advisor).   GOOD LUCK!

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