There are a number of opportunities in our area to learn about the wonders of our natural resources by becoming a Minnesota Master Naturalist.
Who can become a Minnesota Master Naturalist volunteer? Any adult who is curious and enjoys learning about the natural world, shares that knowledge with others, and supports conservation. If you enjoy hiking, bird watching, following tracks, or identifying wildflowers, you’ll love being a Minnesota Master Naturalist Volunteer.
The Minnesota Master Naturalist Volunteer training courses consists of in-classroom training and field trips. Course are designed to be a general overview of Minnesota’s three biomes: Big Woods, Big Rivers (BWBR); Prairies and Potholes (PP); North Woods, Great Lakes (NWGL); plus advanced training (ADV).
The courses available in the Anoka County area include:
BWBR – Kroening Interpretive Center, North Mississippi Reg. Park – Sept. 11, 2013 to Nov. 20, 2013 (9:30 am to Noon)
NWGL – Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Coon Rapids Campus – Aug. 28, 2013 to Dec. 12, 2013 (2:00 pm to 4:45 pm)
NWGL – Wildlife Science Center – Sept. 5, 2013 to Oct. 3, 2013 (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm)
ADV – Rafting the Mighty Mississippi River – Sept. 21, 2014 (9:00 am to 3:00 pm)
ADV – Skulls and Scat – Oct. 12, 2013 (10:00 am to Noon)
How much do the courses cost? Each course costs $200.00 (advanced courses are less) and includes course manuals and supplies. Scholarships Available. If the $200.00 fee is a hardship, fill out the scholarship application and send it to Minnesota Master Naturalist. For more information call the MMN office at 888-241-4532.