Representatives from businesses that produce large quantities of hazardous waste attended the December 9, 2014 Hazardous Waste workshop held by Anoka County Environmental Services. The attendees recieved information, not only on managing hazardous waste, but on protection of their community’s local water resources and drinking water supply.
Mick Jost, Program Coordinator, MM Technical Assistance Program (email, 612-624-4694)
- Know your water use – track and record it.
- Shut off all water taps then monitor meter – if it moves there may be a pipe leak.
- For tanks, measure water level without extraction – if it drops you may have a leak.
- Check out Solutions 2014 (MnTAP program report)
Jon Pollock, Division Manager, WCEC Industrial Services – Fridley (email, 763-571-4944)
- Fuel wastes are hazardous wastes with some important exemptions.
- The Managing Fuel Wastes MPCA fact sheet is a great reference.
- Fuel wastes must be properly characterized and managed to comply with rules.
Jim Hafner, Stormwater/Wellhead Manager, City of Blaine, MN (email, 763-785-6188)
- All storm drains end at a body of water (e.g. lake, stream or river).
- Keep outdoor areas clear of excess/loose materials (that can wash away).
- Have a plan and trained staff to clean up accidental spills right away.
- Have staff use the best practices to prevent the spread of pollution
NEXT WORKSHOP. Anoka County Environmental Services will be holding a Very Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator workshop in the spring (2015). For more information call Anoka County Environmental Services at 763-422-7093.