UPDATE (Feb. 3, 2015) The draft North & East Metro Groundwater Management Plan is available for public review. A feedback survey is also available to comment on the draft Plan.
- Is there enough groundwater for a sustainable supply in our area?
- Will there be enough groundwater for growth and development?
Following the drop in the level of White Bear Lake and other areas lakes – the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) established the North & East Metro Pilot Groundwater Management Area that includes Ramsey and Washington Counties plus ten Anoka County communities (Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Columbia Heights, Columbus, Fridley, Hilltop, Lexington, Lino Lakes and Spring Lake Park). Part of Minneapolis (east of the Mississippi River) is also in the N&E Metro Groundwater Management Area. In 2013 and 2014 the DNR has collaborated with residents, businesses and community leaders to prepare a plan to address management and sustainability of groundwater resources in the area.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is hosting three local meetings in February to present the draft North & East Metro Groundwater Management Area Plan, and to hear your comments and ideas for improving the plan. The plan describes actions the DNR will take over the next five years to achieve a sustainable supply of groundwater for communities and the environment.
These local meetings will allow the DNR to introduce the proposed GWMA plan, describe the process used to develop it, and explain the goals and actions in the plan. Most importantly, it gives you the opportunity to ask questions and get answers.
Local Meetings Schedule (6:30 – 8:30 p.m.):
- Woodbury: Monday, Feb. 9 at Eagle Valley Golf Course – Banquet Room
- White Bear Lake: Wednesday, Feb. 18 at Century College East Campus – Lincoln Mall
- Blaine: Thursday, Feb. 26 at Blaine Public Works Facility – Main Conference Room (The large black building located directly behind the Schwann’s Super Rink. Enter the main entrance on the southwest corner of the building (glass corner))
At the local meetings, DNR staff and Advisory Team members will make brief presentations. Following the presentations they will be asking for suggestions and recommendations.
- 6:00 PM Doors Open
- 6:30 Presentations
- Paul Putzier, North & East Metro GWMA DNR Project Manager
- Project Advisory Team Members
- 7:30 Discussion, Questions & Answers
- 8:30 Informal Discussion Time
- 9:00 Doors Close
Light refreshments will be served. For more information, please contact Paul Putzier: 651-259-5692 or paul.putzier@state.mn.us.
LIVING ON THE EDGE. To illustrate the importance of our groundwater resources the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has released a video Living on the Edge: Our Water Supply at Risk (YouTube; 7:20).
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Consider home and business water conservation options that are provided on the WaterSense website (USEPA) or on the Water Conservation Toolbox webpage (Metropolitan Council). Combined, our conservation efforts will add up.