The Metropolitan Council has released a public comment draft of the 2040 Water Resources Policy Plan (WRPP). The plan places a new emphasis on integrating what the Council does in water supply, surface water, and wastewater.
The WRPP is a regional plan that includes policies and strategies to:
- Treat wastewater from municipalities and industries to high water-quality standards at affordable and fair rates.
- Work with partners to preserve the quality and quantity of groundwater and surface water. This will protect public health, support planned growth and development, maintain the health of natural habitats and ecosystems, and enhance recreational opportunities.
Plan focuses on integrated approach to water resources
As the Council gathered more than 200 comments on earlier phases of the draft, the decision was made to shift the plan toward a more integrated approach.
This means the Council will work to sustain the region’s water resources by:
- Producing the most benefits from regional investments.
- Opening avenues to pursue reuse of wastewater and stormwater to offset demands on groundwater supplies.
- Incorporating strategies to support sustainable use of water sources.
- Undertaking activities and projects that produce beneficial results in the areas of surface water, water supply, and wastewater.
- Expanding efforts and promoting greater collaboration, financial and technical support, working with partners to address water quality, quantity, and water supply issues.
- Promoting environmental stewardship in operating the regional sewer system by reusing wastewater, reducing energy use and air pollution emissions, and reducing, reusing and recycling solid waste.
Provide input on the plan by March 20
The Council is accepting comments on the plan through 5 p.m. on Friday, March 20. Learn more and ask questions about the draft 2040 WRPP prior to the formal public hearing at two upcoming informational meetings:
- Thursday, Feb. 12, 9 to 11 a.m. at Maplewood Community Center, 2100 White Bear Avenue
- Monday, Feb. 23, 1 to 3 p.m. at Ridgedale Library, 12601 Ridgedale Drive
Please RSVP at least four days before the meeting you plan on attending to Judy Sventek by phone at 651-602-1156 or email judy.sventek@metc.state.mn.us.
How to comment
- Comment forms will be available and can be filled out at a meeting or mailed in.
- Phone Public Information at 651-602-1500.
- E-mail public.info@metc.state.mn.us.
- Testify at the public hearing at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, in the Metropolitan Council Chambers, 390 Robert St. N., Saint Paul.
Next steps Once comments are received, the plan is revised to address the comments. The plan is anticipated to be presented to the Council for adoption in April 2015.