Lino Lakes City Council has approved a plan to protect the groundwater sources of the City’s water supply system. The Lino Lake Wellhead Protection Plan addresses potential sources of water pollution near City wells to keep the groundwater clean and the City water free of contamination.
NOTE: The City of Lino Lakes is currently making cost-share grants available to property owners to seal unused (abandoned) wells located within the City’s wellhead protection area. For more information contact Marty Asleson 651-982-2435 (marty.asleson@ci.lino-lakes.mn.us).
From the Lino Lakes Water Quality Report (2013)
Lino Lakes’ Water Source. The City of Lino Lakes provides drinking water to its residents from a groundwater source: five wells which range from 258 to 338 feet deep, that draw water from the Prairie Du Chien-Jordan and Jordan-St. Lawrence aquifers.
The water provided to customers met all federal drinking water standards in 2013, however the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has additionally made a determination as to how vulnerable the source of water may be to future contamination incidents. If you wish to obtain the entire source water assessment regarding your drinking water, please call 651-201-4700 or 1-800- 818-9318 (and press 5) during normal business hours. Also, you can view it online.
Call Tim Hillesheim at 651-982-2452 if you have questions about the City of Lino Lakes’ drinking water or would like information about opportunities for public participation in decisions that may affect the quality of the water.