Coon Creek Watershed District is planning to protect water quality

The Coon Creek Watershed District (CCWD) has released its draft Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (WRAPS) reports for public review and comment through Thursday, January 28. 2015. For more information see the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) public notice. The reports are posted on the CCWD website.

Required by the federal Clean Water Act, a TMDL is a scientific study, conducted on waters assessed to be impaired, that calculates the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet acceptable water quality standards for that pollutant. It is a process that identifies all the sources of the pollutant causing an impairment and quantifies necessary reductions among them.

The Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS) report is required by the Minnesota Clean Water Legacy Act and uses TMDL and other information to develop strategies for addressing point and nonpoint pollution sources. The objective is to restore impaired waters and protect unimpaired waters from degradation. This report is a collaboration among the MPCA, other state agencies, local government partners, and other stakeholders.

Comments on the reports should be submitted in writing by Jan. 28, 2016, to Rachel Olmanson, MPCA, 520 Lafayette Road N., Saint Paul, MN 55155-4194, or sent by email to Olmanson is available to answer questions at 651-757-2473.

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