Proposed rules for Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area open for comments

Proposed rules aimed at protecting the metro portion of the Mississippi River are now available for public comment, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

The proposed rules will replace a 37-year-old executive order that currently regulates development in the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area (MRCCA) a 72-mile land corridor along the Mississippi River in the Twin Cities metropolitan area governed by special land development regulations.

During this comment period, an administrative law judge will review the proposed rules and take public input through a formal comment and public hearing process. Interested parties may submit written comments to the judge and/or provide oral comments at three public hearings including a June 15th meeting at Greenhaven Golf Course Event Center (Anoka, MN).

Developing modern rules will go a long way toward improving efficiency and consistency while protecting the essential values that led to the area’s original designation,” said DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr. “That’s something we hope landowners, local units of government and river advocates can all support.”

The proposed rules, district maps, statement of need and reasonableness, and other information are available on the DNR’s project website.

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