In a survey of over 1,700 well owners, 67% believed their well water was safe without any evidence to support it. You can protect your health (and your family’s) by getting your well water tested. The Private Well Class, in conjunction with 2024 National Groundwater Awareness Week, held March 10-16, 2024, is excited to announce the 9th annual Pledge […]
Archive for the ‘Good to Know’ Category

It’s National Groundwater Awareness Week!

This week (March 6-12, 2022) is National Groundwater Awareness Week (#GWAW on social media). Created by the National Groundwater Association, #GWAW helps remind private well owners to test their water and inspect their well. Private well owners are responsible for testing their water to ensure it is safe to drink. It is recommended to test […]

MDH White Paper on the Public Health Evaluation of Stormwater Reuse

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recently released a public health white paper entitled Reuse of Stormwater and Rainwater in Minnesota: A Public Health Perspective. Water reuse is defined in the paper as: “The collection, storage, treatment, and use of stormwater, wastewater, and subsurface water. Stormwater reuse is also called ‘capture and use.’” As population […]

Minnesota is Septic Smart – New SSTS Annual Report

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) issued its latest subsurface sewage sewage treatment systems (SSTS) annual report just in time for SepticSmart Week. The overall compliance rate of septic systems for 2020 is estimated to be 81% (505,300 systems), which is an increase from 77% in 2011. This exceeds the Clean Water Council’s strategic plan […]

Septic Smart Week 2021 – Septic System Do’s and Don’ts

This week, September 20-25th, is SepticSmart Week! SepticSmart Week is an annual event in which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designates a week that is focused on how homeowners and renters can care for and maintain their septic systems. Many homes, as well as businesses, in Anoka County are served by septic systems. It […]