The Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) is conducting a temporary water level drawdown on Peltier Lake. The drawdown will continue through the winter of 2017/18. Water levels will recede slowly during the drawdown – approximtaly 1 inch per day. At its lowest, water levels will be approximately 3 feet below normal. Water levels will return to normal after ice-out in the spring of 2018.
The project is intended to reduce invasive curlyleaf pondweed and improve water clarity. Peltier Lake remains open for fishing during the drawdown. Anoka County Parks will continue to operate an aerator on the west side of the lake during winter months to protect the fishery from winterkill. Winter lake travelers should heed warning signs, and not approach the aerators – thin ice is likely in this area.
For more information contact the Rice Creek Watershed District at 763-398-3070.