Business plays an important role in preventing pollution

Since 1985, businesses have participated in the Anoka County Hazardous Waste Management Program that prevents air, soils and water pollution. The Environmental Health Services section holds annual workshops with businesses to learn the challenges they face and answer questions about the Hazardous Waste Management Ordinance.

At the November 1, 2017 Large Quantity Generator workshop, participants learned how to “operate to prevent a release.” The workshop emphasis is not only to maintain a system that manages hazardous waste labeling, recording and reporting but to operate in a manner that prevents a release. After all, that’s what managing hazardous waste is about, preventing pollution, said Laura Schmidt (Anoka County Environmental Health Specialist).

RECYCLING. Not only did Participants learned how to manage their hazardous wastes but their solid waste too through the Commercial Recycling Business Assistance Program. Anoka County Recycling and Resource Solutions helps businesses reduce, reuse and recycle through services such as free on-site technical assistance.

WATER RESOURCES. Increasing focus on our water resources was discussed at the Workshop. Recently, the Anoka County Community Health Board determined that Water Quality and Sustainable Drinking Water is a most important community health issue.  We share the responsibility to manage and protect those water resources that we share, said Bart Biernat (Anoka County Environmental Health Specialist). Concern over the management and protection of water resources is growing to include Governor Dayton’s 25BY25 initiative, the North & East Metro Groundwater Management Area designation, falling levels in White Bear Lake leading to a lawsuit and appeal, the recently completed Anoka County Geologic Atlas and Metropolitan Groundwater Model indicating groundwater sensitive to pollution and reduced aquifers and water supply in rural areas of the county.

FACILITATE AND COLLABORATE. There are many opportunities for individuals and businesses to facilitate, collaborate and cooperate in managing and protecting our natural resources. The Workshop participants can also support and facilitate the management of local resources by encouraging customers and employees to use services such as the Anoka County Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Facility to keep residential hazardous waste being mixed with solid waste. And Organics Composting that further reduces solid waste volumes. Businesses are encouraged to participate in the annual Green Expo that continues to grow each year.

Businesses can facilitate developing the next phase of water efficiency and waste reduction by collaborating with the MnTAP program to sponsor a University of Minnesota student intern project at their facility to improve efficiency, save money, reduce waste and decrease regulatory burdens.

Many Anoka County businesses make sustainable green environmental initiatives a part of their business. Some examples (not an inclusive list) are:


  • Business hazardous waste contact Environmental Health Services – Laura Schmidt (763-324-4208 or email
  • Household hazardous waste contact Anoka County Recycling and Resources Solutions (763-324-3400 or on-line contact)
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