Upper Rum River seeking coordinator services

The Upper Rum River Watershed Management Organization has the objective of properly and efficiently managing natural resources for the long-term good. The URRWMO is seeking a person or agency that will provide watershed management coordinator services through a Request for Proposal (RFP) (link).

Submission and Questions. All Applicants who wish to respond to this RFP must do so by February 15, 2019. All responses should be in writing and one copy should be mailed to: John West, URRWMO Chair, Oak Grove City Hall, 19900 Nightingale Street NW, Oak Grove, MN 55011-9204. In addition, an electronic version should be emailed to jwest@ci.oak-grove.mn.us.

Current and draft URRWMO Management Plans and Reports can be found at: http://urrwmo.org/watershed-management-plans-reports.html. All questions related to this Request for Proposal shall be directed to John West at (612) 414-3513.


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