Attention 4th grade teachers! Sign up your 4th grade classes NOW for the 2020 Metro Area Children’s Water Festival!
4th grade teachers can sign up their classes for the 2020 Metro Area Children’s Water Festival starting now. The deadline to sign up is Friday, March 20th, 2020.
The Metro Area Children’s Water Festival is open to all metro area 4th grade classes and homeschool students. The festival teaches children about the water cycle and other water-related topics that help children appreciate their natural environment and our water resources.
This year’s festival will have more than 45 interactive learning stations, including the Science Museum of Minnesota. The festival is Wednesday, September 30th, 2020 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.
Festival organizers wish every class could come, but the festival is very popular, and the number of students that can be accommodated is limited, so sign up today! Classes selected to attend will be contacted in mid-April.
For more information, head to the festival website at www.metrocwf.org. Register online at www.metrocwf.org/registration.
If you have any questions regarding festival registration and selection, please contact Abby Shea at 763-324-4207 or Abby.Shea@co.anoka.mn.us.