UPDATE 6/11/2020: Per the MPCA, this webinar has been canceled. “The Minnesota Stormwater Manual website is currently down and due to uncertainty about when it will be back up, we are taking the precaution of rescheduling this webinar. On Monday, June 22 we will send a cancellation reminder and a new date for the webinar. If you have questions, please contact Mike Trojan at mike.trojan@state.mn.us.”
The MPCA Stormwater Section will host a live webinar on Wednesday, June 24th from 1-2 pm entitled “Minnesota Stormwater Manual updates: Navigation and content”.
Abstract: “As the Minnesota Stormwater Manual wiki has grown, organization and navigation have become challenging. Over the past few months we have begun incorporating some new features and done some reorganizing to improve navigation. This webinar will illustrate these features and provide a forum for you to suggest additional improvements in the wiki. We’ll demonstrate some of these new features using new content incorporated within the past several months.”
Speaker: Mike Trojan, MPCA Hydrologist
Webinar Information: Meeting number (access code): 964 473 507; Meeting password: UPkTcYFG648; Join the meeting here.
The Minnesota Stormwater Manual can be found here.
Contact Mike Trojan at mike.trojan@state.mn.us with questions.