The MPCA is currently accepting written comments on the draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Feedlot Permit until 4:30 pm on Thursday, July 23rd, 2020.
The proposed permit includes new measures to limit the leaching of nitrates from manure spread on farm fields by extending the required cover crop period for manure application to October (cover crops are required to mitigate the risk of nutrient pollution to groundwater and surface waters from manure) and restricting manure applications in September and October. The draft permit also includes streamlined record-keeping requirements, a revised permit format, and an online application process that will save feedlot owners time. The new permit will become effective February 21st, 2021.
More information on the permit, information on submitting comments, and links to the draft permit and other pages can be found at pca.state.mn.us/featured/mpca-proposes-new-feedlot-permit.
Photo from MPCA website.