Minnesota Ground Water Association 2020 Fall Conference

The Minnesota Ground Water Association (MGWA) will be hosting its 2020 Fall Conference virtually on November 12th, 2020 from 8 am to 4:30 pm via Zoom. The focus of the conference is “Keeping it Clean: Protecting and Managing Groundwater Quality in Urban Environments”.

Registration is open now and the deadline for pre-registration is November 6th. Click here to register.

There is also a call for posters. If you would like to present your groundwater-related poster, see the conference website for details.

See the conference description below and be sure to check out the conference website for more information and details on speakers!

Conference Description:

The MGWA Fall Conference will examine issues related to urban groundwater protection and management. Nearly three-fourths of Minnesota residents live in urban areas and continued growth is expected over the next decade. As we continue to grow our demands and impacts on our geologic environment continue to increase.

The conference will bring to light groundwater quality issues of concern facing urban areas and the work that is being done to address them. Speakers will explore the current status and trends of chemicals in our groundwater from the scale of a single spring or well to regional aquifer systems. Presentations will cover aspects of the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in the eastern part of the Twin Cities, chloride concentrations in our shallow groundwaters, and address emerging concerns including detection of human viruses in deep groundwater in Wisconsin.

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