The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has released a variety of newsletters, reports, and plans so far this month. We’ll highlight just some of this important information – be sure to subscribe to any updates you are interested in from the MPCA by clicking here. This post will include the Waterfront Bulletin, the Brownfield Program […]
Archive for the ‘Stormwater’ Category

Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Announcements

The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) put out two recent announcements: the final version of the 2021-2031 Watershed Management Plan is now available and the MWMO Executive Director Doug Snyder has announced his retirement. Over the last two years, the MWMO has been developing their 2021-2031 Watershed Management Plan. Throughout the process, the MWMO solicited […]

MDH White Paper on the Public Health Evaluation of Stormwater Reuse

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recently released a public health white paper entitled Reuse of Stormwater and Rainwater in Minnesota: A Public Health Perspective. Water reuse is defined in the paper as: “The collection, storage, treatment, and use of stormwater, wastewater, and subsurface water. Stormwater reuse is also called ‘capture and use.’” As population […]