The Health Risk Assessment Unit of the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has announced that they will hold a virtual public meeting on the Health Risk Limit Rules amendments on:
Wednesday, February 2nd from 3-4 pm.
This informational meeting will provide a general overview of the rulemaking process in Minnesota and MDH’s plans for amending the Health Risk Limit Rules, including which groundwater contaminants are included, proposed updates to the Health Risk Limit values, steps in the rulemaking process, an estimated timeline, and information about how to comment on the proposed draft rules/amendments when they become available.
There will also be time for questions and answers at the end of the meeting. This meeting will be held virtually. Please register for the meeting by clicking here and submitting your email address. A link to join the meeting will be emailed to you at least one day in advance of the meeting.
If you have questions about the meeting or for special accommodations, please contact MDH at health.risk@state.mn.us. Please request special accommodations by Friday, January 21, 2022.
Current information about the Health Risk Limit Rules amendments can be found on the MDH Health Risk Limits Rules for Groundwater webpages.
One week following the meeting, a summary of the meeting will be available here.