New Situation
The City of Blaine finished their fourth water treatment plant at the end of 2021. They have four new wells providing water to this plant. This is the first summer that it is fully operational.
As anticipated in the Blaine Well Interference Plan, the heavy pumping during this summer’s drought is causing nearby private well owners to have issues with their water supply.
We know from well drillers, this is also impacting some residents with private wells in Ham Lake.
Blaine’s Response
Blaine is prepared to pay for private wells to be repaired or replaced, even if they are outside the city limits (this area borders on Ham Lake).
Last week Blaine city staff sent postcards to all Blaine residents in the area explaining the procedures. We don’t know if or how they will be contacting Ham Lake residents with private wells.
Blaine has said: The modeling figures 1 and 2 are what the City of Blaine will be basing the decisions on how to respond to complaints.
If the drawdown in a complainant’s well matches or is close to the model, the homeowner will be reimbursed by the City of Blaine once they provide a paid invoice or receipt.
If the drawdown is significantly different than the model, the City will direct them to use the DNR Well Interference Process.
Important Information for Ham Lake and Blaine Residents
If your property is located south of Bunker Lake Boulevard you can contact the City of Blaine to see if you are eligible for reimbursement from the City of Blaine or if you will be directed to file with the DNR well interference program.
The primary contact for the Blaine Well Reimbursement program is Stefan Higgins at 763-717-2722 or
According to Stefan: The homeowner can pay the well driller, then submit the paid invoice to the City for reimbursement.
If your property is located north of Bunker Lake Boulevard you need to file with the DNR well interference program (call the number below).
If you, or someone you know, have experienced private well water supply issues recently and would like to be considered for reimbursement for repairs, fill out the DNR Water Well Information and Complaint Form. The forms may be printed, completed and then mailed or emailed back to the DNR.
We encourage all residents of Blaine and Ham Lake to conserve water as much as possible, especially by reducing or temporarily stopping lawn watering.
For additional water conservation ideas, visit the DNR Water Conservation webpage.
IMPORTANT: If a new well is drilled, the old well should not be sealed until the investigation is complete. DNR will not be able to investigate if a well is sealed.
Carmelita Nelson
Water Conservation Consultant
Ecological & Water Resources
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4025
Phone: 651-259-5034 •