ReUSE Minnesota Launches

A new way of thinking about sustainability has been sweeping the country, and reuse is leading.  The “three R’s” (reduce, reuse and recycle) have been part of our conversation for many years, it is only now that reuse is getting the attention that it deserves. Businesses, industries and environmental agencies all agree that a sound method to sustain our communities and reduce waste is by getting the maximum use of products and services.

ReUSE Minnesota is a non-profit trade association focused on bringing visibility to the reuse, rental, and repair sector through networking, publicity, and events.  ReUSE Minnesota was incorporated in December 2012 with the mission to increase the visibility of Minnesota’s reuse sector, highlighting the environmental, social and economic benefits to businesses and consumers.  ReUSE Minnesota is supported through an Environmental Assistance grant from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

Anoka County’s Integrated Waste Management encourages reuse through education and providing information to residents.  See the recent YouTube video about Reusing Household Items.  For more information contact Integrated Waste Management at 763-323-5730.

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