River art contest

The Mississippi National River and Recreation Area encompasses a 72 mile stretch of the Mississippi River from Dayton/Ramsey to Hastings, Minnesota. The Mississippi has had a long economic history possessing rich historical, cultural, natural and scientific resources. It is also a haven for recreational opportunities and the focus for artists in the National Park Service Experience Your River National Park Art Contest  in June. 

How to Enter

1. Visit the river or a park within the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. Check out the NPS website at www.nps.gov/miss/planyourvisit for ideas on where you can visit.
2. Have an amazing experience and create your art. If you’ve made a physical piece of art, take a high resolution photograph of it.
3. Pick out two photographs or digital submissions of your art. Name your submissions with this format: First name_Last name_Image name. (Example: Pat_Smith_MississippiRiver.jpg.)

4. Email your submissions to miss_info@ nps.gov. Be sure to include proper name formatting for each, as well as a short 2-3 sentence description of the experience you would like to convey. Also include a phone number where you can best be reached. In the Subject line please put “Experience Your River National Park Art Contest.”

What if I win?
The winner will be announced mid-July and will receive official recognition at the 25th Anniversary Reunion August 13th, 2013. The prize is an America the Beautiful pass, which will allow free entry to the federal lands for one year. The winner’s art will be used in online and print pieces produced by the National Park Service and Mississippi River Fund to represent the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area.
See the official rules and regulations to learn more. 
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