Water Management Tools
Minnesota Key Water Information Catalogue (This catalogue provides easy access to key water information and data from six Minnesota state agencies.)
- Water is a Most Important Issue
- Community Health Improvement Plan – Goal V (Water)
- Anoka County Water Management Brochure (Oct. 14, 2016)
Anoka Conservation District (763-434-2030)
- Water Almanac (2018)
- Water Quality Improvement
- Martin and Typo Lake Carp Barriers
- Ditch 6 Chlorides Study, Andover
- Ditch 66 Chlorides Study, Ramsey
- Typo and Martin Lakes TMDL Study, Linwood
- E. coli Bacteria Monitoring, Pleasure Creek
Rice Creek Watershed District (763-398-3070)
- Reports and Plans
- Blue Thumb Program
- Lino Lakes Special Area Management Plan
- Golden Lake TMDL
- Hardwood Creek TMDL
Note: TMDL studies are expected next for Anoka Chain of Lakes TMDL and Peltier-Centerville TMDL.
Coon Creek Watershed District (763-755-0975)
- 2013-2023 Management Plan
- Watershed Restoration and Protection Project
- Crooked Lake Comprehensive Management Plan
- Sand Creek Subwatershed Stormwater Retrofit Assessment
Lower Rum River Watershed Management Organization
- Lower Rum River Watershed Management Plan and Annual Report
- Blackburn Riverbank Stabilization Project
- Herrala and Rusin Riverbank Stabilization Project
- Ditch 6 Water Quality Investigation
- Rum River Watershed Assessment
Upper Rum River Watershed Management Organization
- Watershed Management Plan and Annual Report
- Petro Streambank Restoration Project (Crooked Brook)
- Erickson Lakeshore Restoration (Lake George)
- Rum River Watershed Assessment
Sunrise River Watershed Management Organization
- Watershed Management Plan and Annual Report
- Martin and Typo Lakes Study
- Gustafson Linwood Lake Restoration
- Martin Lake Stormwater Assessment
Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (612-465-8780)
- Management Plan
- Annual Monitoring Report
- Watershed Programs
- Monitoring Program
- Stewardship Fund Program
- Landcare Program
- Bluebag Lunchtime Seminars
Vadnais Lake Area Watershed Management Organization (651-204-6070)
Community Water Supply Protection Programs
Anoka County communities have established water resource management programs with their watershed management organization or a watershed district. The City’s surface water management programs deal with broad land runoff (“nonpoint” source) and specific wastewater (“point” source) pollution. Point source pollution includes the discharge of treated wastewater effluent through a pipe. Nonpoint sources of pollution result from many of the everyday activities and actions of people. These include applying fertilizer to lawns in an amount that exceeds what the grass can use, plowing an agricultural field such that erosion results, blowing grass clippings into the street, or driving a car that exhausts improperly burned hydrocarbons or leaks oil. All these add up to major nonpoint source pollution loading of our receiving waters.
Wellhead Protection programs are a City’s means to address groundwater pollution near water wells that can contaminate the source of the community’s drinking water supply. Our water resources are an important part of our lives and your city is taking measures to ensure that we have clean and plentiful water now and in the future.
For information about how your community is addressing the management and protection of local water resources see their website, plans, or contact the city clerk for more information:
- ANOKA COUNTY: Water Resources Management Report (Executive Summary) – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
- ANDOVER: Water Resources Management Plan – Wellhead Protection
- ANOKA: Stormwater Management Plan – Wellhead Protection
- BETHEL: Comprehensive Plan
- BLAINE: Surface Water Management Plan – Wellhead Protection – Watershed Watchers
- CENTERVILLE: Stormwater Management Program – Wellhead Protection
- CIRCLE PINES: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program – Centennial Utilities –Wellhead Protection
- COLUMBIA HEIGHTS: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan – website
- COLUMBUS: Comprehensive Plan (pg. 34-37) and Wetland Protection Plan
- COON RAPIDS: Water Resources Plan – Stormwater Pollution Prevention – Wellhead Protection
- EAST BETHEL: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan – website
- FRIDLEY: Comprehensive Plan Natural Resources Management – Public Water Supply – Surface Water Management and Wellhead Protection Plan
- HAM LAKE: Stormwater Pollution Prevention / Water Management Plan
- HILLTOP: Comprehensive Plan
- LEXINGTON: Comprehensive Plan (Water Resources, pg. 31-34) – Wellhead Protection
- LINO LAKES: Comprehensive Plan Resource Management System Plan – Water Supply Plan – Stormwater Pollution Prevention – Wellhead Protection
- LINWOOD: Comprehensive Plan
- NOWTHEN: Water Management Plan – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
- OAK GROVE: Comprehensive Plan – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
- RAMSEY: Surface Water Management Plan – Wellhead Protection
- ST. FRANCIS: Water Resources Management – Surface Water Management –Wellhead Protection
- SPRING LAKE PARK: Surface Water Management Plan & Wellhead Protection Plan
- UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER Source Water Project (includes Anoka Co. communities)
- Drinking Water Protection
- Onsite Business Wells (Non-Community Public Water Supplies)
- Operator’s Guide for Small Public Water System (MDH/MRWA)
- Guidelines for Opening & Closing Seasonal Well Water Systems
- Guidelines for Drinking Water Dispensers
- Wellhead Guide for Businesses
- Evaluating Proposed Stormwater Infiltration Projects in Vulnerable Wellhead Protection Areas (MDH, July 2007)
- County Well Index (find your well construction record)
- Wellhead Protection Areas (Anoka County interactive map)
- Well Disinfection (Public Water Supply)
- Drinking Water Advisory – Guidance for Restaurants
- Drinking Water Advisory – Guidance for Schools
- Drinking Water Advisory – Guidance for Health Care Facilities
- Information for Businesses
- Well and Septic Information for Realtors
- Anoka County Hazardous Waste Ordinance
- Anoka County Solid Waste Ordinance (94-2)
- Commercial Recycling (Anoka Co Recycling and Resource Solutions)