Waterspot on 2011 Community Water Project – Coon Rapids Rotary

The Rotary Club of Coon Rapids initiated a public service in their 2011 Community Water Project to foster both water conservation and the prevention of water pollution within the Coon Rapids community. The 2011 Community Water Project brochure SAVE WATER – SAVE MONEY With Easy Ways to Reduce Water Usage at Home is an adaptation of the original brochure. The seeds that local organizations such as the Coon Rapids Rotary have planted are taking root and growing.

Rotary International is a service organization whose purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. There are over 34,000 clubs worldwide.

The Coon Rapids Rotary normal meets at 12:15 pm every Monday for lunch at the Bunker Hills Golf Club Restaurant to organize and work on service goals.

What makes Rotary different is its distinct point of view:

  • We see differently: Our multidisciplinary perspective helps us see challenges in unique ways.
  • We think differently: We apply leadership and expertise to social issues—and find unique solutions.
  • We act responsibly: Our passion and perseverance create lasting change.
  • We make a difference at home and around the world: Our members can be found in your community and across the globe.

What does Rotary support?

The Coon Rapids Rotary identifies specific causes to target to maximize their local and global impact. At the same time, we understand that each community has its own unique needs and concerns. Through the club network of resources and partners, Rotary Clubs focus their service efforts in promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education, and growing local economies.

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