East Bethel
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The City of East Bethel was incorporated in 1957 and is one of the most recent communities to initiate the development of a community water supply system, although some form of city water supply facility has existed since 1987. The East Bethel municipal system consists of 4 deep wells (3 primary and 1 emergency) and serves nearly 1,000 people via 142 service connections. Click here to view the Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report for 2020. If you still have questions about East Bethel’s drinking water after viewing the report, contact Nate Ayshford, Public Works Manager, at 763-367-7876.
Wellhead Protection
East Bethel’s Wellhead Protection Plan was adopted and approved by the Minnesota Department of Health in 2018. The City in currently in the process of joining the Municipal Wellhead Protection Group Joint Powers Agreement.
Private Wells
Most residents are still served by private wells. For information on testing your well water, visit the Anoka County Well Water Testing website or contact the Environmental Services Department at 763-324-4260. You can also usually find lots of information on your well with the MDH Minnesota Well Index (MWI). Click here to access the webtool.
Links and Resources
Be sure to check out the City of East Bethel’s website (https://www.ci.east-bethel.mn.us/) and the links below: