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The City of Fridley was incorporated in 1949 and established their initial water supply facility shortly after in 1956. Today, Fridley city water services virtually 100% of the City’s population and comes from 13 wells, 11 of which are their primary water supply wells. The wells pump from a variety of different deep aquifers including the Mt. Simon Sandstone, the Prairie du Chien Group, the Tunnel City-Wonewoc, the Jordan Sandstone, and a buried sand and gravel aquifer, which is closer to the surface.
The City also obtains treated water from the City of New Brighton under a beneficial re-use program. This program was reestablished in late 2018 after New Brighton’s new augmented treatment system went online.
The City of Fridley also maintains 4 reservoirs and 3 filtration plants. They are in the process of constructing the Locke Park Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project, which will improve the reliability and treatment of the municipal water supply, as well as provide benefit to the environment via power usage reduction and maximizing water re-use. Click here to view the Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report for 2020. If you still have questions about Fridley’s drinking water after viewing the report, contact the Water Division at 763-572-3554 or

Wellhead Protection
In order to protect the City’s wells, the City of Fridley has developed a Wellhead Protection Plan, approved by MDH. Most recently, their Part 1 Plan update was approved in 2018 and their Part 2 Plan update was approved in 2019. Fridley was a founding member of the Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group, which formed in 2010 (although the initial planning group formed in 1997), and continues to be a participant in the group. If you have questions regarding Fridley’s Wellhead Protection Plan, contact Fridley’s Wellhead Protection Manager, Jim Kosluchar, Public Works Director/City Engineer, at 763-572-3550 or For more information on Wellhead Protection Plans in general, refer to the MDH Source Water Protection webpage.
Private Wells
Although virtually 100% of Fridley’s population is served by the municipal water supply, some properties may have old, unsealed wells on them. The City of Fridley created a Well Screening Toll to help determine if Fridley residents may have an old, unsealed well on their property. In addition, the City has some grants available to seal these wells, as they can be a pathway for contaminants to enter the groundwater. Learn more on the City’s Groundwater and Wellhead Protection webpage.
Links and Resources
Be sure to check out the City of Fridley’s website ( and the links below: