Spring Lake Park
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The City of Spring Lake Park was incorporated in 1953 and established their initial water supply facility shortly after in 1960. The City Water Supply consists of 4 deep, municipal wells, ranging from 696-783 feet deep. Virtually all residents are connected to the city water system, as opposed to private wells.
Before city water is distributed to homes and businesses, it is pumped to a treatment plant that adds chlorine and fluoride to the raw water. Click here to view the Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report for 2020. If you still have questions about Spring Lake Park’s drinking water after viewing the report, contact Terry Randall, Public Works Director, at 763-784-6491 or trandall@slpmn.org.

Wellhead Protection
In order to protect the City’s wells, the City of Spring Lake Park has developed a Wellhead Protection Plan, approved by MDH. Spring Lake Park was a founding member of the Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group, which formed in 2010 (although the initial planning group formed in 1997), and continues to be a participant in the group. If you have questions regarding Spring Lake Park’s Wellhead Protection Plan, contact the City’s Wellhead Protection Manager. For more information on Wellhead Protection Plans in general, refer to the MDH Source Water Protection webpage.
Links and Resources
Be sure to check out the City of Spring Lake Park’s website (https://slpmn.org/) and the links below: