The contributions of volunteers makes a world of difference to sustain the natural resources in our back yards. Volunteers help to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of our parks and surrounding communities for the enjoyment of people of all ages, interests and abilities. Consider volunteering to enhance the management of local parks and natural areas as you enhance your appreciation of our natural environment.
Anoka County Parks Department. Volunteer opportunities include areas of programming, natural resources, park operations, guest services and park rangers. To volunteer please complete an application and return to Molly Danielson at molly.danielson@co.anoka.mn.us, or fax to 763-755-0230. Wargo Nature Center. People interested in volunteering at Wargo Nature Center can submit their application to Deb Gallop at Debra.Gallop@co.anoka.mn.us or fax it to 651-429-8167.
MN Department of Natural Resources. Volunteer opportunities are now posted on the DNR website including ice fishing, kite festival, song birds to snakes (scanning data), water permits consolidation, candlelight ski/snowshoe events, firearms safety hunter education program ADRFD (instructor/mentor), safety instructors and much more. Call the MN DNR at (651) 296-6157 or email info.dnr@state.mn.us