Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group receives Governor’s Award

(June 4, 2014) Lieutenant Governor Prettner Solon presented the Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group (ACMWPG) with a Source Water Protection Award for their success in protecting the groundwater source of drinking water for eight communities.  The Group is comprised of the cities of Anoka, Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Fridley, Lexington, Lino Lakes, and Spring Lake Park that have established an innovative and effective program to protect their municipal wells and the groundwater source of their drinking water supply.

These cities serve as an example of how a cooperative approach of land owners, residents, and government agencies can lead to innovative and effective implementation of source water protection efforts. The Anoka County Community Health and Environmental Services Department joined the eight communities of the Wellhead Protection Group to implement this unique and cost-effective process to protect the source of drinking water to municipal wells as they protect the health of Anoka County residents.

Presenting the Governor’s Source Water Protection Award is Minnesota Commissioner of Health Dr. Edward Ehlinger and Lt. Governor Prettner Solon.  Accepting the award is Anoka County Commissioner Carol LeDoux and City of Blaine Wellhead Protection Manager James Hafner (Chairman of the ACMWPG)

For more information on local efforts to protect the groundwater source of your drinking water supply contact your public water supplier.

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