Anoka County Parks and Community Services wants to partner with lakeshore owners, lake associations and communities to protect our lakes, streams and rivers from aquatic invasive species.
The Anoka County Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Grant application window will soon be closing on June 30, 2017. It is a first come, first serve grant and once the funds run out the grant program no longer accepts applications.
Grant requests are allowed for up to $5,000 per lake within Anoka County. Each grant requires a cash or in-kind match of 25% of the total grant request. Grants will be available upon a first come – first serve basis until the 2017 grant funds are depleted. If all grant funds are not used following the first round of applications, a second round of grants will be offered until the grant funds are depleted.
See the Anoka County 2017 AIS Grant Information Sheet. The Anoka County 2017 AIS Grant Application must be submitted by June 30, 2017. For more information contact Jessica Leverty, Anoka County Parks Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator (763-324-3333).
See the Anoka County Aquatic Invasive Species YouTube video (Anoka County; 2:00) to see how the County is working to keep invasive species out of our lakes and rivers.