Update (12/4/2013) A little snow doesn’t stop Minnesota well contractors from constructing a reliable well that will serve Hope Free Lutheran Church with safe drinking water. Congratulations to the church leaders that found a way to improve their building as they improve the services that are available to the congregation.
(11/10/2013) Hope Free Lutheran Church (Columbus, MN) has been informed that their application for a Source Water Protection grant has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). With this grant the shallow well, constructed in 1965, will be replaced with a modern well that will provide reliable, safe drinking water to the church community for many years. MDH Source Water Protection Grants provide financial assistant to each category of public water suppliers based on their needs and priority for protection of the public drinking water supply.
Noncommunity transient public water supply systems, like Hope Lutheran Church, are encouraged to apply for a grant that is needed to improve the protection and quality of their drinking water supply. The MDH will accept new grant applications from Noncommunity Transient Public Water Supplies (grant information webpage) during the month of March 2014. For more information contact the MDH Drinking Water Protection Program at 651-201-4700 (health.drinkingwater@state.mn.us).