The STATE-FISH ART Contest is open worldwide to all children in grades K -12 in any public, private or home-school, any youth group, after-school program, youth camp, scout troop, art class, etc., or just an individual kid that wants to enter!
Essentially any child of K-12 age is eligible as long as a responsible adult reads, agrees to and signs their entry form. Only one entry per child will be accepted.
“Every year, there are one or two very disappointed students because they, their teachers or their parents did not follow our simple requirements (rules). The unfortunate result is disqualification by the judges…very, very sad indeed.” ~ Karen R. Hollingsworth, Manager, STATE-FISH ART
Deadline to submit your entry is March 31st.
Wildlife Forever’s STATE-FISH ART Contest is an exciting, multimedia conservation education program designed to increase awareness of and respect for aquatic resources creating stewardship.