Disasters surprise everyone – be prepared for the next surprise

Water is an essential element to survival and a necessary item in an emergency supplies kit. Following a disaster, clean drinking water may not be available. Your regular water source could be cut-off by power failure or compromised through contamination. Prepare by building a supply of water that will meet your family’s needs during an emergency.

September is National Preparedness Month (NPM). Anoka County Emergency Management is asking you, your family, community, school and workplace to take action by reviewing your emergency plan and participating in PrepareAthon! Day on or around September 30th.

Use the information listed in the How To Get Involved 2014 NPM Quick Guide as a way to promote National Preparedness Month, September 1st-30th. The 2014 National Preparedness Month theme is: “Be Disaster Aware, Take Action to Prepare.” The 2014 NPM event themes are:

  • Week 1 – How to… Reconnect with Family After a Disaster.
  • Week 2 – Know How To plan for specific needs before a Disaster.
  • Week 3 – How to… Build an Emergency Kit.
  • Week 4 & 5 – How to… Practice for an emergency.
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