Cooperation of business and industry is an important part of Anoka County’s pollution prevention program. By meeting the standards of safe disposal – commercial hazardous waste is managed at companies to prevent it from polluting of our natural resources.
Anoka County Environmental Services is offering a Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator workshop for business and industry on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. Registration is required. This workshop will present the latest techniques and standards to manage their waste and comply with state standards. The workshop (see brochure) includes:
- Basic requirements (license, container management, manifests and record keeping)
- LQG requirements (emergency response, contingency plan and personnel training)
- Recyclable fuels (John Pollock, WCIC Industrial Services)
- Recycling assistance for businesses (Amy Ulbricht, Anoka County Integrated Waste)
- Wellhead protection and stormwater pollution prevention (Jim Hafner, City of Blaine), PLUS
- Water conservation (Mick Jost, MnTAP)
To register contact Elizabeth Lyons (763-422-7071) or Kathy Piela (763-422-7093).
ATTENTION RESIDENTS: Many chemicals used at a business are sold to residents and homeowners at stores. It is estimated that the collective volume of household hazardous waste is greater than that generated at businesses. Anoka County encourages residents to safely dispose of their hazardous waste at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility. For more information for residents call Anoka County Integrated Waste at 763-323-5730.