We are experiencing an alarming reduction in our bee population with increased use of pesticides in agricultural and urban areas. How and why bees are declining isn’t fully understood, which is more alarming.
Bees are pollinators – a part of the cycle of life. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from one part of a flower to another, resulting in the production of seeds. Seeds needed to begin the next harvest. Now more than ever, it is critical to promote practices that will benefit pollinators by providing habitats free of excessive pesticides, full of nectar and pollen resources.
PLUS, the safe use of pesticides will improve our water resources that have been found to contain pesticides. Like bees, our water resources are part of the cycle of life. To learn more:
- View Raising Bees at Wargo Nature Center (YouTube, 2:54)
- Attend Pollinator Protection and Advocacy meeting Nov. 10, 2014 at Andover Senior Center (FaceBook: ABC League of Women Voters)
- Attend Creating Habitat for Minnesota’s Pollinators – Impacts of the economy and environment (Environmental Initiative) Dec. 4, 2014, 8:00 am.
- Visit Using Pesticides Responsibly website (MN Dept. of Ag.)
- Visit the U of M Low-Input Lawns website to maintain a sustainable lawn.
- Check out the Guide to Insecticides for Emerald Ash Borer (MN Dept. of Ag.)
- Attend a 3-part series on pollinators by the U of M Landscape Arboretum. “Pollinators: What you need to know and how to make a difference”.
- Landscapers: the MN Turf & Grounds Foundation is offering a presentation (1/13/2015): “Bee Aware: The importance of pollinators in the landscape.”
- Horticulturalists: The Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association is offering Pesticide Recertification workshop on Nov. 21, 2014 for Categories A (Core) and E (Turf and Ornamentals). Meets MDA’s pesticide applicator recertification requirements.