Class registration is open for the 2015 Metro Children’s Water Festival

Attention 4th grade teachers in the twin-cities metropolitan area! Registration is open for the drawing of classes to attend the 2015 Metro Area Children’s Water Festival that will take place on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. The Festival will accept 44 classes (over 1,200 students) at this event.

The purpose of the festival is to raise participant’s understanding of water in everyday life. Through understanding the water cycle, and other related natural resources, participants learn to appreciate their natural environment and apply conservation measures for sustained water resources. Classes will be selected from the seven county metropolitan area to balance participation through the metropolitan area.

The 2015 annual Metro Area Children’s Water Festival is the 17th festival that is held on the last Wednesday of September. The students that attended the first Festival are about 26 years old and applying the lessons learned in 1999 to protect and keep our natural resources sustained.

4th Grade Standards. This festival is geared to fourth grade students to match the Minnesota Science Standards for water lessons that are part of the education benchmarks.

Parents of homeschool children are encouraged to register for the lottery drawing that is open to all 4th grade level students.

To register for the 2015 Metro Children’s Water Festival please fill out the Registration Form and submit according to the instructions.

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