Order your trees and shrubs

The Anoka Conservation District is excepting preorders for the annual Tree and Shrub Sale.  The District offers a wide variety of native stock, including black cherry trees, mixed oak trees, red maple trees, and white pine trees. The trees and shrubs are sold in bare root seedlings or transplants and most are 10″ to 24″ in height. They may be purchased in bundles of ten for $17, or twenty-five for $30 not including tax.  Native prairie seed and tree aides are also available. You do not need to be an Anoka County Resident to order.

The Tree and Shrub Sale website also contains information about the kinds of trees and shrubs to plant in your particular situation along with planting directions.

You may purchase these trees and shrubs by:

  1. Online ordering,
  2. Mail in an Order Form, or
  3. Order by phone (763-434-2030 x10).

Orders will be accepted until mid-April and available for pick up the morning of the last Saturday in April (25th) at the Anoka County Fairgrounds. Please order early to guarantee availability.

For more information call the Anoka Conservation District at 763-434-2030.

The benefits of trees and shrubs. Trees and shrubs provide many benefits beyond the beauty they lend to streets and properties. Overlooked and unappreciated is their ability to reduce the speed and volume of water running off the land into gutters and ditches during a storm. The result is cleaner water as it reaches creeks, rivers and lakes. Plant a tree and let nature do what is does best to keep our water clean.

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