Waterspot on the Minnesota Well Index

Recently the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) launched an improved online database called the Minnesota Well Index (Index) of home and cabin water well construction records. The MDH protects the safety of drinking water by establishing standards for the location, construction and maintenance of water supply wells at homes, cabins and public water supply systems. In Anoka County there are over 25,000 home and cabin wells that provide drinking water to over 80,000 residents.

Minnesota Well Index (MDH website) Header

Following the establishment of the state Well Code in 1974, water wells have been constructed to a uniform standard. Well contractors play an important role in keeping homeowners informed about the wells on their property by submitting well construction (and well sealing) records to the MDH. The records are added to the Index to assist property owners, realtors and contractors in learning the well unique number, location, depth, construction date, geology and aquifer water source.

The Index does not contain information for all wells – so the absence of information about a well on a property does not mean there is no well on that property. Many wells were constructed at homes and farms before well records were required (1974).

For more information about your home/cabin well and protecting your drinking water supply please checkout the MDH Well Owners Handbook. If you have questions about well information, please contact the MDH Well Management Section at 651-201-4600 or 1-800-383-9808, or health.minnesotawellindex@state.mn.us.

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