4th grade teachers! – register for the metro area childen’s water fest

Each year over 1,200 fourth-grade students have attended the annual Metro Area Children’s Water Festival since 1998. That’s over 21,000 students that participated in this unique education program. It may seem like a drop in the 4th-grade lake – but that drop creates ripples around the twin-cities and changes in tomorrow’s citizen’s about our local water resources.

CWF is taking registrations to draw 4th grade classrooms from around the Twin Cities. Teachers are encouraged to submit a registration form  by March 31, 2016 to be included in a metro-wide drawing of 4th grade classes. There is no charge to the schools/classes.

For more information, check out the Metro Area Children’s Water Festival website: http://metrocwf.org/.

Metro Area Children's Water Festival ("Fish Prints" Arcade Photo)

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