Annual Water Report. Each year, community water suppliers prepare a report on the results of water quality tests of their water system in the previous year. The 2015 water quality reports summarize testing results for Jan 1 to December 31. The reports describe where the drinking water comes from and what’s in it. Groundwater, from wells, is the source of drinking water for community water suppliers in Anoka County (except Columbia Heights and Hilltop).
Municipal Wellhead Protection. Community water suppliers are implementing wellhead protection programs to manage potential sources of soils and groundwater pollution near their wells. Residents and businesses within a Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) – near municipal wells – are in a unique position to protect the source of the community’s drinking water – the groundwater below. Find out if you are in a DWSMA by going to the Anoka County Wellhead Protection DWSMA map application.
Sealing Unused (Abandoned) Wells. Municipal wells are typically deep wells that use the natural protection of geologic layers to prevent pollution from reaching their community well. If old unused wells are near the municipal wells – pollution may pass through the natural protective layers down an unsealed well – contaminating the drinking water for the community. To learn more contact your municipal water utility department and view the Sealing Your Unused Well video (MDH, YouTube; 4:36)
Do you have a home well? Anoka County Environmental Services recommends that you test the safety of your drinking water annually. Go to the Well Water Testing webpage for more information.
Customers that want a copy of their water system’s annual report (normally published before July) may check the utility website or request a copy from their water supplier:
- Andover – Utilities 763-767-5180 (report)
- Anoka – Public Works 763-576-2923 (report)
- Blaine – Utilities 763-785-6165 (report)
- Centerville – Public Works 651-429-4750 (report)
- Circle Pines – 763-784-5898 (report)
- Columbia Heights – Public Works 763-706-3700 (report)
- Coon Rapids – Utilities 763-767-6576 (report)
- Fridley – Water Division 763-572-3566 (report)
- East Bethel – Public Works 763-367-7875
- Lexington – Public Works 763-784-6849 (report)
- Lino Lakes – Public Service/Utilities 651-982-2440 (report)
- Oak Grove (The Ponds & West Lake George) – City Hall 763-404-7006
- Ramsey – Water Utilities 763-433-9861 (report)
- Saint Francis – City Hall 763-753-2630 (report)
- Spring Lake Park – Water Utilities 763-784-6491 (report)